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May 4, 1998
From: "Karlin, Ben" <>
To: SignWriting <>
Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 15:48:00 -0500
Everything BELOW here is for general posting.
==========================Hello all,
I work with a small population of chronic mentally ill in-patient deaf. Because of their many problems they tend to be:
A Illiterate in English
B Impoverished in their Sign vocabulary (and cut off from the vitality of their language in use in a community)
C Impoverished in their conversation
D Undependable in making cognitive connections across Sign-English.I have been trying to learn SW for a year now (you're right, not trying consistently or trying hard; otherwise I'd have made a lot more progress) to give these clients ways to build the cross-language bridges, journal, expand their own vocabulary of standard signs. For myself it would allow me to document their use of language, write scripts for videotaped presentation of frozen texts (like client rights postings, etc.) and standardize presentation of information for each of the clients.
I've had a hard time getting started because when I review what I have learned of SW it is all so easy, when I go to write or read, it is all so hard. I've followed the flashcard discussion very closely because it would help me, and give me a basis to start work with the clients. I am motivated, but "the flesh is weak."
I found a box of already printed flashcards: Basic Signing Vocabulary Cards Set A and B; 100 Signs with Words per set, published by Garlic Press, 100 Hillview Lane, #2, Eugene, OR USA 97401, copyright 1990. My sets cost US$5.95 but that was years ago. The sets are geared towards Signed English and perpetuate the correlation of A Sign=A Word, at least I am not reinventing the wheel. I figure that by using the set with my SW Online Dictionary I can go through the entire set in no time at all and end up with somewhere around 150 signs in Pictures and English Glosses (already on the cards) matched with SW "words".
Will let you know how it goes in helping ME to learn, then helping the clients to learn.----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ben Karlin
Staff Interpreter for the Deaf
St Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center
H007B, 5300 W Arsenal St, St Louis, MO 63139-1494
314 644-8270 V/TTY 314 644-8115 FAX
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This gives me your permission to post.Looking forward to hearing from you!
Valerie Sutton
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